姓 名:谭华
性 别:男
1. Tan, H.*; Li, X. C.; Ma, H.; Yang, X. L.; Zhan, T.; Xie, W. Y.; Wang, S. H.; Zhu, J. P.* Facile preparation of N-doped graphitic carbon encapsulated nickel catalysts for transfer hydrogenolysis of lignin β-O-4 model compounds to aromatics. Sustainable Energy & Fuels2022,6, 2745-2754.
2. Liu, Z. S.; Qin, A. M.*; Zhang, K. Y.; Lian, P.; Yin, X. D.; Tan, H.* Design and Structure of Nitrogen and Oxygen Co-Doped Carbon Spheres with Wrinkled Nanocages as Active Material for Supercapacitor Application.Nano Energy 2021,90, 106540 (Cover article)
3. Zhu, J. P.; Yao, C. J.; Maity, A.; Xu, J. L.; Zhan, T.; Liu, W. B.; Sun, M. T.; Wang, S. H.; Polshettiwar, V.*; Tan, H.* Nitrogen Doped Carbon Spheres with Wrinkled Cages for the Selective Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to 5-Formyl-2-furancarboxylic acid.Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 2005-2008. (Cover article)
4. Zhu, J. P.; Xu, J. L.; Yao, C. J.; Zhan, T.; Liu, W. B.; Tan, H.* A New 3D Ag(I)-based High-Energy Metal Organic Frameworks (HE-MOFs): Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Explosive Performance.New J. Chem. 2021,45, 3552-3558.
5. Yue, J.; Peng, J. X.; Yu, L.; Sun, M. T.*; Sun, Z. L.; Tan, H.*; Wang S. H.* Superoxide Anion Turns on the Fluorescence of Carbon Dots-Ferric Complex for Sensing.Microchem. J.2021,168, 106412.
6. Tan, H.* Yao, C. J.; Zhan, T.; Li, W. Q.; Zhu, J. P.; Wang, G.; Liu, W. B.; Sun, M. T.; Wang, S. H.* Selective Oxidation of Glycerol to Dihydroxyacetone over N-doped Porous Carbon Stabilized CuxO Supported Au Catalysts.Mol. Catal. 2020,498, 111243.
7. Zhan, T.; Liu, W. B.; Teng, J. J.; Yue, C. C.; Li, D. H.; Wang, S. H.; Tan, H.* Selective Oxidation of Glycerol to Tartronic Acid over Pt/N-doped Mesoporous Carbon with Extra Framework Magnesium Catalysts under Base-free Conditions.Chem. Commun. 2019,55, 2620-2623.
8. Zhan, T.; Wu, S. C.; Ma, H.; Yue, C. C.; Huang, Z. Q.; Liu, W. B.; Teng, J. J.; Li, D. H.; Wang, S. H.; Tan, H.* Production of Biofuel Intermediates from Furfural via Aldol Condensation over K2O Clusters Containing N-doped Porous Carbon Materials with Shape Selectivity.Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2019,281, 101-109.
9. Tan, H.*; Tall, O. E.; Liu, Z. H.; Wei, N. N.; Yapici, T.; Zhan, T.; Hedhill, M. N.; Han, Y. Selective Oxidation of Glycerol to Glyceric Acid in Base-free Aqueous Solution at Room Temperature Catalyzed by Platinum Supported on Carbon Activated with Potassium Hydroxide.ChemCatChem2016,8, 1699-1707.
10. Tan, H.*; Hedhili, M. N.; Wang, Y.; Li, K.; Zhang, J.; Sioud, S.; Al-Talla, Z. A.; Amad, H. M.; Zhan, T.; Tall, O. E.; Han, Y. One-Pot Synthesis of Cu/ZnO/ZnAl2O4 Catalysts and Their Catalytic Performance in Glycerol Hydrogenolysis.Catal. Sci. Technol.2013,3, 3360-3370.
1. 广东省科学技术厅,广东省自然科学基金-面上项目, 2021A1515010181,负载Au催化剂氧化甘油制备二羟基丙酮-载体的晶面效应研究, 2021-01至2023-12, 10万元,在研。
2. 广东省科学技术厅,广东省自然科学基金-粤东西北创新人才联合培养项目, 2018A030307053,非碱性条件下选择性催化氧化甘油制备丙醇二酸的催化剂设计、制备及性能研究, 2018-05至2021-04, 10万元,结题,主持。
3. 广东省科学技术厅,绿色与能源催化化学合作与交流-海外名师项目,2020A1414010076, 2020/10至2021/09, 2万元,结题,主持。
1. 谭华,伍世超,詹彤,马浩,李凝,刘卫兵,李德豪,一种催化氧化甘油制备丙醇二酸的方法,2018-06-07,中国,ZL201810576855.7
2. 谭华,姚超健,黄镇泉,詹彤,朱佳平,刘卫兵,曹更玉,超级电容器用树枝状纤维形空心氮掺杂碳纳米笼的制备方法,2020-06-10,中国,ZL202010525283.7