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发布日期:2021/01/07 点击量:






职位:广东石油化工学院 化学学院 教师






通讯地址: 广东石油化工学院西城校区化学楼




1981.09~1985.06  黑龙江大学有机化学专业(本科/理学学士)

1988.09~1991.07  黑龙江大学精细化工专业研究生/工学硕士

2000.02~2001.01  清华大学化学系访问学者

2001.03~2004.06  大连理工大学应用化学专业(研究生/工学博士

2012.09~2013.01  东北师范大学教育部出国留学培训部英语培训

2013.05~2014.05  美国弗吉尼亚大学化学系访问学者


1985.06~1988.07  佳木斯师范专科学校教师

1988.07~2019.08  齐齐哈尔大学(含原齐齐哈尔轻工学院)讲师、副教授、教授、龙江学者特聘教授,专业主任、省重点实验室主任,院长等

2019.09~  广东石油化工学院化学学院教师






1.教育部科学技术研究项目, 新型荧光分子探针识别过渡金属及重金属离子机理研究, 主持,2005-2007.

2.  国家自然科学基金项目,水溶液中过渡及重金属离子荧光增强识别的分子探针研究 (20572056), 主持,2006--2008.

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目联萘酰亚胺手性荧光分子平台的构建及其识别研究(21176125),主持,2012—2015.



2. 含氮聚醚阳离子表面活性剂项目,2001年黑龙江省政府科学技术三等奖,第一完成人。


4. 水溶液中过渡及重金属离子荧光增强识别的荧光分子探针研究项目,2012年黑龙江省政府科学技术二等奖,第一完成人。

5. AgNi纳米过渡金属催化剂的构筑及其催化氧化还原性能研究项目2017年黑龙江省政府科学技术三等奖,第二完成人。

6. 辽宁省优秀博士学位论文,2005年。

7. 龙江学者特聘教授,2010年。

8. 黑龙江省普通高等学校教学名师,2015年。

9. 黑龙江省五一劳动奖章,2015年;黑龙江省劳动模范,2017年。

10. 黑龙江省化学工艺领军人才梯队带头人,2018年。


1.郭祥峰,贾丽华 编著. 阳离子表面活性剂及应用,2002,化学工业出版社.

2Guo X.; Qian, X.*; Jia, L. A Highly Selective and Sensitive Fluorescent Chemosensor for Hg2+ in Neutral Buffer Aqueous Solution. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 125, 2272-2273.

3Zhang, Y.; Guo, X.*; Si, W.; et al. Ratiometric and Water-Soluble Fluorescent Zinc Sensor of Carboxamidoquinoline with an Alkoxyethylamino Chain as Receptor. Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 473-476.

4. Ma, L.; Jia, L.*; Guo, X.*; et al. Catalytic activity of Ag/SBA-15 for low- temperature gas-phase selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde, Chinese J. Catal. 2014, 35, 108-119.

5. Tian, X.; Guo, X.*; Jia, L*. A fluorescent sensor based on bicarboxamido- quinoline for highly selective relay recognition of Zn2+ and citrate with ratiometric response. Sens. Actuators B, 2015, 221, 923–929.

6. Zhang, Y.; Guo, X.*; Tian, X.; et al. Carboxamidoquinoline- coumarin derivative: A ratiometric fluorescent sensor for Cu(II) in a dual fluorophore hybrid. Sens. Actuators B, 2015, 218, 37-41.

7. Tian, X.; Guo, X.*; Yu F.; et al. An oxalamidoquinoline- based fluorescent sensor for selective detection of Zn2+ in solution and living cells and its logic gate behavior. Sens. Actuators B. 2016, 232, 181-187.

8. Wang, J.; Guo, X.*; Jia, L*. Simple method for the determination of benzoic acid based on room temperature phosphorescence of 1-bromopyrene/γ-cyclodextrin complex in water. Talanta. 2017, 162, 423–427.

9. Yang, R.; Guo, X.*; Jia, L.*; et al. Green preparation of carbon dots with mangosteen pulp for the selective detection of Fe3+ ions and cell. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2017, 423, 426-432.

10. Yang, R.; Guo, X.*; Jia, L.*; et al. A fluorescent "on-off-on" assay for selective recognition of Cu(II) and glutathione based on modified carbon nanodots, and its application to cellular imaging. Microchim. Acta. 2017, 184, 1143-1150.

11. Zhang, Y.; Guo, X.*; Zheng, M.; et al. A 4,5-quinolimide-based fluorescent sensor for the turn-on detection of Cd2+ with live-cell imaging. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2017, 15, 2211-2216.

12. Jiang, R.; Jia, L.*; Guo, X.*; et al, Dimethyl sulfoxide-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of Co3O4-based nanorods for selective and sensitive diethyl ether sensing. Sens. Actuators B. 2019, 290: 275–284.

13. Zhu, B.; Jia, L.*; Guo, X.*; et al. Controllable assembly of a novel cationic gemini surfactant containing a naphthalene and amide spacer with β-cyclodextrin. Soft Matter. 2019, 15, 3198–3207.

14. Zhang, W.; Lihua Jia,* Guo, X.*; et al. Green synthesis of up- and down- conversion photoluminescent carbon dots from coffee beans for Fe3+ detection and cell imaging. Analyst. 2019, 144, 7421–7431.

15. Zhang, L.; Jia, L.*; Zhao, Z.; Yang, R.; Wang, J.; Guo, X.* Synthesis, physiochemical properties, and antimicrobial activities of a novel gemini surfactants with biphenyl and multiple amide groups. Colloids Surfaces A. 2020, 593, 124628.

16. 陈沭璇,贾丽华*, 郭祥峰*,等,MOFs自牺牲模板法制备ZnO及其对NO2的气敏性能,机化学学报,2020, 35, 1639-1648.

17. 汤丹蕾, 贾丽华*, 赵振龙, 杨瑞, 王欣, 郭祥峰*, EDTA辅助合成Co3O4纳米材料及其气敏性能, 无机材料学报, 2020, 35, 1214-1222.


上一条:安 哲(博士、教授)

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