




专业职务: 教授






张冬青,博士,教授,博士生导师。曽在德国马格德堡大学(2003-2005)土木工程学院和德国多特蒙德工业大学(2005-2008)城市规划学院分别获得硕士和博士学位。之后就职于新加坡南洋理工大学环境科学与工程学院,担任研究员、高级研究员和讲师(2008-2017),并在美国南佛罗里达大学(2018)和美国纽约州立大学(2019)分别担任研究员和客座助理教授。于2019年加入广东石油化工学院。长期从事新型污染物在人工湿地中的去除方面的相关研究。先后在Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Cleaner Production, Science of Total Environment等环境领域重要期刊发表SCI期刊论文120余篇,文章被Water Research等SCI他引8300余次(Google Scholar),单篇最高SCI他引1200余次;H指数45,i10指数91。长期受邀担任多家知名国际学术期刊的审稿人。于2002年和2003年入选全球顶尖前十万科学家榜单。


(1) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2024A1515011454布洛芬和双氯芬酸在植物根系吸收,代谢及其调控分子机制, 2024-012026-12,在研,主持

(2) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2023A1515012130, 湿地植物根系对新型全氟/多氟烷基化合物的吸收和响应分子机制, 2023-01至2025-12,在研,主持

(3) 广东省科技创新战略专项资金(“大专项+任务清单”),2021S0054,水稻对微塑料的吸收、代谢与毒性响应分子机制研究,2021-01至2023-12,结题,主持

4)Nation Science Foundation (NSF) (US$ 284,750): IRES Track I: US-Ghana Collaboration: Providing Opportunities for Global Research on Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

5) Florida-Israel Innovation Partnership Program (US$ 406,600): Sustainable energy, nutrient and water recovery from organic wastes for space application (Co-Principal Investigator)

6) Environment & Water Industry (EWI) Grant (S$2,000,000): Water and energy saving solution for the wafer fabrication and semi-conductor industry – Micron Singapore (Co-Principal Investigator)

7)Environment & Water Industry (EWI) Grant (S$1,608,000): Water and energy saving solution for the wafer fabrication and semi-conductor industry – Global Foundries Singapore (Co-Principal Investigator)

8)Ministry of National Development - SINO-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, Grant (S$ 400,000):  Sponge City - Future scenarios modeling and assessment of the performance of the stormwater system of an urban centre in response to climate change and urbanization (Co-Principal Investigator)


1. Li, L., Niu, X.J. *, Zhang, D.Q.*, Ding, L., Ye, Y.Y., Zhang, Z.L., Liu, Q., Ding, L., Chen, K., Chen, Y., He, L., Shi, Z.C., Lin, Z., 2024. A systematic review on percarbonate-based advanced oxidation processes in wastewater remediation: From theoretical understandings to practical application. Water Research 259, 121842.

2. Liu, Q., Niu, X.J.*, Zhang, D.Q.*, Ye, X.Y., Tan, P.B., Shu, T., Lin, Z., 2023. Phototransformation of phosphite induced by zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in aquatic environments. Water Research 245(3), 120571.

3. Zheng, X.X., Niu, X.J.*, Zhang, D.Q.* Lv, M.Y., Ye, X.Y., Ma, J.L., Lin, Z., Fu, M.L., Zhou, S.Q., 2021. Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa by natural pyrite-activated persulfate: Performance and significance of iron species. Chemical Engineering Journal 428, 132565.

4. Zheng, X.X., Niu, X.J.*, Zhang, D.Q.* Lv, M.Y., Ye, X.Y., Ma, J.L., Lin, Z., Fu, M.L., 2021. Metal-based catalysts for persulfate and peroxmonosulfate activation in heterogeneous ways: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal 429, 132323.

5. Ma, J.L., Niu, X.J.*, Zhang, D.Q.*, Lin, Z., 2021. Insight into the molecular interaction between poly(vinylpyrrolidone)-iodine system and microplastics in aquatic environment. Chemical Engineering Journal 430(1), 132276.

6. Wang, M., Chen, B.Y., Zhang, D.Q.*, Yuan, H.J., Rao, Q.Y., Zhou, S.Q.*, Li, J.J., Wang, W., Tan, S.K., 2023. Comparative life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis of centralized and decentralized urban drainage systems: a case study in Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 426, 139173.

7. Wang, M., Zhong, X., Yuan, H.J., Zhang, D.Q.*, 2024. Integrating carbon and water footprint into nature-based solution (NBS) for urban planning in a highly built-up area in Guangzhou, China. Science of Total Environment 951, 175505.

8. Zhang, D.Q., Li, J.Y., Li, X.*, Wang, M., Zhong, Y.M., Chen, G.L., Xiao, H.Y., Zhang, Y., 2023. Phytoremediation of fluoroalkylethers (ether-PFASs): A review on bioaccumulation and ecotoxilogical effects. Science of Total Environment 865, 16156.

9. Wang, M., Jiang, Z.Y., Zhang, D.Q.*, Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Li, J.J., Tan, S.K., 2023. Optimization of integrating life cycle cost and systematic resilience for grey-green stormwater infrastructure. Sustainable Cities and Society 90, 104379.

10. Xiao, H.P., Zhang, D.Q.*, Tang, Z.H., Li, K., Guo, F.H., Niu, X.J.*, Yi, L.Z., 2022. Comparative environmental and economic life cycle assessment of dry and wet anaerobic digestion for treating food and biogas digetate. Journal of Cleaner Production 338, 130674.

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