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Email: sunjianteng@zju.edu.cn; sunjianteng@126.com











2018年-至今,  广东石油化工学院,环境科学与工程学院,教授、硕导














4Toxics期刊编委 (SCI, Q1)

5Environ Sci Technol20个国际期刊审稿人







1.        酞酸酯(PAEs)类污染物在典型植物中的代谢转化与分子机制,22076031,国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家基金委,2021-2024年,主持

2.        典型作物中多氯联苯(PCBs)的代谢转化及其分子机制,21507111,国家自然科学基金青年项目,国家基金委,2016-2018年,主持

3.        土壤中纳米材料的迁移转化与生物效应,2017YFA0207003,国家重点研发计划项目纳米专项子课题,国家科技部,2017-2022年,主持

4.        土壤与地下水中污染物的多介质传质机制及预测模型,2018YFC1800704,国家重点研发计划项目土壤专项子课题,国家科技部,2018-2022年,主持

5.        土壤复合有机污染过程与生物有效性,2014CB441101,国家“973”计划项目子课题,国家科技部,2014-2018年,主持

6.        荔枝果园化肥减量防污配方施肥技术应用,2019S0000004,广东省农业科技创新平台项目,2020-2022年,主持

7.        新型环境污染物多溴二苯氧基苯的植物代谢转化行为,2114050000622,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2023年,主持

8.        重金属污染农田安全利用关键技术及应用,2019B110207002,广东省重点领域研发计划项目子课题,2020-2022年,主持

9.        华南沿海地区土壤-作物系统中典型石化污染物赋存特征与迁移转化,广东省教育厅重点项目,2020-2022年,主持

10.    土壤污染控制与修复院士工作站建设,2019S002001,茂名市科技专项项目,2020-2021年,主持

11.    土壤-植物系统中共存PAHsPBDEsPCBs的生物有效性研究,LY14B070009,浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,浙江省科技厅,2014-2016年,主持

12.    有机污染物复合体系的植物代谢研究,2014QNA6009,中央高校基本科研业务费青年科研创新专项,浙江大学,2014-2015年,主持

13.    典型蔬菜大棚土壤污染与生态效应,2017FZA6005,中央高校基本科研业务费科研发展专项,浙江大学,2017-2018年,主持

14.    共存持久性有机污染物在植物体中的生物有效性研究,SYU-KF-08,区域污染环境生态修复教育部重点实验室开放基金课题,2014-2015年,主持

15.    区域土壤有机污染特征及迁移转化过程,广东石油化工学院人才引进项目, 2019-2021年,主持

16.    土壤污染过程与修复创新团队,广东石油化工学院重点培育团队项目, 2019-2021,主持

17.    橡胶产品环境污染风险控制技术研发,企业横向项目,2021-2023,主持

18.    典型土壤有机污染物的生物有效性及其调控原理,21520102009,国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目,国家基金委,2016-2020年,参与


1.      环境工程专业专项人才培养计划(创新班),广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程,广东省教育厅,2022-2025,主持

2.      地方高校国家一流环境工程专业人才培养模式研究,广东省教育科学规划课题(高等教育专项),广东省教育厅,2022.6-2024.5,主持

3.      基于OBE的在线开放课程建设研究—以《环境生态修复技术》为例,2022ZXKC3302022年度广东省本科高校在线开放课程指导委员会研究课题,广东省本科高校在线开放课程指导委员会,2022.9-2024.8,主持



1.         Huanhuan Xing#, Xiaolong Yu#, Jianteng Sun*, Guining Lu, Minghan Zhu, Jiahao Liang, Ling Jin, Lizhong Zhu. Interaction between Phthalate Ester and Rice Plants: Novel Transformation Pathways and Metabolic-Network Perturbations. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 8870−8882

2.         Yuanyuan Yu#, Xiaolong Yu#, Dongqing Zhang, Ling Jin, Jiahui Huang, Xifen Zhu, Jianteng Sun*, Miao Yu, Lizhong Zhu. Biotransformation of Organophosphate Esters by Rice and Rhizosphere Microbiome: Multiple Metabolic Pathways, Mechanism, and Toxicity Assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 1776-1787

3.         Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Su, Z. Z., Zhan, Y., Zhu, L. Z.*, Interconversion between methoxylated and hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in rice plants: An important but overlooked metabolic pathway, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50, 7, 3668-3675

4.         Sun, J. T., Liu, J. Y.*, Yu, M., Wang, C., Sun, Y. Z., Zhang, A. Q., Wang, T., Lei, Z., Jiang, G. B., In vivo metabolism of 2,2,4,4-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) in young whole pumpkin plant, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 8, 3701-3707

5.         Sun, J. T., Liu, J. Y.*, Liu, Y. W., Yu, M., Jiang, G. B., Reciprocal transformation between hydroxylated and methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in young whole pumpkin plants, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2014, 1, 4, 236-241

6.         Yuanyuan Yu, Jiahui Huang, Ling Jin, Miao Yu, Xiaolong Yu, Xifen Zhu, Jianteng Sun*, Lizhong Zhu. Translocation and Metabolism of Tricresyl Phosphate in Rice and Microbiome System: Isomer-Specific Processes and Overlooked Metabolites. Environment International, 2023, 172, 107793

7.         Xiaolong Yu, Xu Jin, Nan Wang, Qian Zheng, Yuanyuan Yu, Jin Tang, Luyu Wang, Rujin Zhou, Jianteng Sun*, Lizhong Zhu. UV activated sodium percarbonate to accelerate degradation of atrazine: Mechanism, intermediates, and evaluation on residual toxicity by metabolomics. Environment International, 2022, 166, 107377

8.         Xiaolong Yu, Xu Jin, Nan Wang, Yuanyuan Yu, Xifen Zhu, Meiqin Chen, Yongming Zhong, Jianteng Sun*, Lizhong Zhu. Transformation of sulfamethoxazole by sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron activated persulfate: Mechanism and risk assessment using environmental metabolomics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 428, 128244

9.         Xiaolong Yu, Meng Li, Shaoyu Tang, Zi Wei, Yuanyuan Yu*, Sun, J. T.*, Guining Lu, Hua Yin. Photocatalysis of Tris-(2-chloroethyl) phosphate by ultraviolet driven peroxymonosulfate oxidation process: Removal performance, energy evaluation and toxicity on bacterial metabolism network. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 423, 130261

10.     Xiaolong Yu, Xu Jin, Meng Li, Yuanyuan Yu, Minghan Zhu, Shaoyu Tang, Haijun Zhou, Kaifeng Wang, Rongni Dou, Sun, J. T.*. Degradation mechanism of tetracycline using sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron driven peroxymonosulfate and metabolomic insights into environmental risk of intermediates products. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 133141

11.     Wu, S. H., Liu, H. Y., Yang, C. P.*, Li, X., Lin, Y., Yin, K., Sun, J. T.*, Teng, Q., Du, C., Zhong, Y. Y., High-performance porous carbon catalysts doped by iron and nitrogen for degradation of bisphenol F via peroxymonosulfate activation, Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 123683

12.     Xiaolong Yu, Xu Jin, Meng Li, Yuanyuan Yu, Hang Liu, Rujin Zhou, Aiguo Yin, Junyi Shi, Jianteng Sun*, Lizhong Zhu. Mechanism and security of UV driven sodium percarbonate for sulfamethoxazole degradation using DFT and metabolomic analysis. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 323, 121352

13.     Jin Tang, Xiaolong Yu, Rujin Zhou, Aiguo Yin, Jianteng Sun*, Lizhong Zhu. Plasmonic coated spindle-shaped MIL-88A(Fe) ternary composites heterojunction for photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline: Mechanism studies and theoretical calculation. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 154429

14.     Xiaolong Yu#, Huanhuan Xing#, Jianteng Sun*, Xiaodong Du, Guining Lu, Lizhong Zhu. New insight into phytometabolism and phytotoxicity mechanism of widespread plasticizer di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in rice plants. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 880, 163254

15.     Kaifeng Wang, Na Peng*, Dongqing Zhang, Haijun Zhou, Jinfeng Gu, Jiahui Huang, Chen Liu, Yang Chen, Yang Liu, Jianteng Sun*. Efficient removal of methylene blue using Ca(OH)2 modified biochar derived from rice straw. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2023, 31, 103145

16.     Jin Tang, Siyu Yao, Runlin Yao, Hang Liu, Meiqin Chen, Yongming Zhong, Xiaolong Yu, Aiguo Yin, Jianteng Sun*. Insight into radical-nonradical coupling activation pathways of peroxymonosulfate by CuxO for antibiotics degradation. Chemosphere, 2023, 318, 137970

17.     Xiaolong Yu, Xu Jin, Hang Liu, Yuanyuan Yu, Jin Tang, Rujin Zhou, Aiguo Yin, Jianteng Sun*, Lizhong Zhu. Enhanced degradation of atrazine through UV/bisulfite: Mechanism, reaction pathways and toxicological analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 856, 159157

18.     Xu Jin, Siyu Yao, Yang Liu, Jin Tang, Minghan Zhu, Hang Liu, Yuanyuan Yu, Xiaolong Yu*, and Jianteng Sun*. Photocatalysis of carbamazepine via activating bisulfite by ultraviolet: Performance, transformation mechanism, and residual toxicity assessment of intermediates products. Chemosphere, 2023, 315, 137741

19.     Yuanyuan Yu, Wentao Mo, Xifen Zhu, Xiaolong Yu, Jianteng Sun*, Fucai Deng, Ling Jin, Hua Yin, Lizhong Zhu. Biodegradation of tricresyl phosphates isomers by a novel microbial consortium and the toxicity evaluation of its major products. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 828, 154415

20.     Xiaolong Yu, Xu Jin, Jin Tang, Nan Wang, Yuanyuan Yu, Fucai Deng, Chudan Huang, Jianteng Sun*, Lizhong Zhu. Metabolomic analysis and oxidative stress response reveals the toxicity in Escherichia coli induced by organophosphate flame retardants tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate and triphenyl phosphate. Chemosphere, 2022, 291, 133125

21.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Li, Z. H., Zeng, Q. T., Wang, L. W., Zhu, L. Z.*, Comparison of greenhouse and open field cultivations across China: Soil characteristics, contamination and microbial diversity. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 243, 1509-1516

22.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Tsang, C. W. D, Zhan, Y., Zhu, L. Z.*, Li, X. D. Organic contamination and remediation in the agricultural soils of China: A critical review. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 615, 724-740

23.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Zhu, L. Z.*, Formation of hydroxylated and methoxylated polychlorinated biphenyls by Bacillus subtilis: New insights into microbial metabolism, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 613-614, 54-61

24.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Zhan, Y., Lu, H. N., Tsang, C. W. D, Liu, W. X., Wang, X. L., Li, X. D., Zhu, L. Z.*, Contamination of phthalate esters, organochlorine pesticides and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta of China, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 544, 670-676

25.     Sun, J. T., Liu, J. Y.*, Liu, Y. W., Jiang, G. B., Levels and distribution of methoxylated and hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in plant samples surrounding a seafood processing factory and a seafood market, Environmental Pollution, 2013, 176, 100-105

26.     Sun, J. T., Zhu, L. Z.*, Pan, L. L., Wei, Z., Song Y., Zhang, Y. D., Zhan, Y., Detection of methoxylated and hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in sewage sludge in China with evidence for their microbial transformation, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 29782

27.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Tsang, C. W. D, Zhan, Y., Liu, W. X., Wang, X. L., Zhu, L. Z.*, Li, X. D., Polychlorinated biphenyls in agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta of China: Regional contamination characteristics, combined ecological effects and human health risks, Chemosphere, 2016, 163, 422-428

28.     Sun, J. T., Liu, J. Y.*, Liu, Y. W., Jiang, G. B., Hydroxylated and methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in mollusks from Chinese coastal areas, Chemosphere, 2013, 92, 3, 322-328

29.     Sun, J. T., Liu, J. Y.*, Liu, Q., Ruan, T., Yu, M., Wang, Y. W., Wang, T., Jiang, G. B., Hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (OH-PBDEs) in biosolids from municipal wastewater treatment plants in China, Chemosphere, 2013, 90, 9, 2388-2395

30.     Sun, J. T., Zeng, Q. T., Tsang, C. W. D., Zhu, L. Z.*, Li, X. D.*, Antibiotics in the agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta, China, Chemosphere, 2017, 189, 301-308

31.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Tsang, C. W. D, Li, Z. H., Zhu, L. Z.*, Li, X. D.*, Phthalate esters and organochlorine pesticides in agricultural soils and vegetables from fast-growing regions: a case study from eastern China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 1, 34-42

32.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Chen, J., Li, K. L., Zhu, L. Z.*, Uptake, translocation, and metabolism of hydroxylated and methoxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in maize, wheat, and rice, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 1, 12-17

33.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Zhan, Y., Tsang, C. W. D, Zhu, L. Z.*, Li, X. D.*, Atrazine contamination in agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta of China and associated health risks, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2017, 39, 2, 369-378

34.     Sun, J. T., Liu, J. Y.*, Liu, Q., Qu, G. B., Ruan, T., Jiang, G. B., Sample preparation method for the speciation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and their methoxylated and hydroxylated analogues in diverse environmental matrices, Talanta, 2012, 669-676

35.     Sun, J. T., Pan, L. L., Zhan, Y., Zhu, L. Z.*, Spatial distributions of hexachlorobutadiene in agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta region of China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 3378–3385

36.     Sun, J. T., Jin, L., He, T. T., Wei, Z., Liu, X. Y., Zhu, L. Z. *, Li, X. D. *, Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 740, 140001

37.     Dou, R. N., Sun, J. T.*, Deng, F. C., Wang, P. L., Zhou, H. J., Wei, Z., Chen, M. Q., He, Z. X., Lai, M. L., Ye, T. C., Zhu, L. Z., Contamination of pyrethroids and atrazine in greenhouse and open-field agricultural soils in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 701, 134916

38.     Deng, F. C., Sun, J. T.*, Dou, R. N., Yu, X. L., Wei, Z., Yang, C. P., Zeng, X. F., Zhu, L. Z., Contamination of pyrethroids in agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta, China. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 731, 139181

39.     Wu, S. H., Liu, H. Y., Lin, Y., Yang, C. P.*, Lou, W., Sun, J. T.*, Du, C., Zhang, D. M., Nie, L. J., Yin, K., Zhong, Y. Y., Insights into mechanisms of UV/ferrate oxidation for degradation of phenolic pollutants: Role of superoxide radicals. Chemosphere, 2020, 244, 125490

40.     Deng, F. C., Dou, R. N., Sun, J. T.*, Li, J. H., Dang, Z., Phenanthrene degradation in soil using biochar hybrid modified bio-microcapsules: Determining the mechanism of action via comparative metagenomic analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 775, 145798

41.     Yongming Zhong, Siyuan Yang, Yueping Fang*, Kaifeng Wang, Sun, J. T.*, Wengang Wu. In situ constructing Ni foam supported ZnO-CdS nanorod arrays for enhanced photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical activity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 868, 159187

42.     Kaifeng Wang, Na Peng*, Xianchun Niu, Guining Lu, Yongming Zhong, Xiaolong Yu, Cheng Du, Jinfeng Gu, Haijun Zhou, Sun, J. T.*, Effects of aging on surface properties and endogenous copper and zinc leachability of swine manure biochar and its composite with alkali-fused fly ash. Waste Management, 2021, 126, 400–410  

43.     Kaifeng Wang, Na Peng*, Ping Zhao, Meiqin Chen, Fucai Deng, Xiaolong Yu, Dongqing Zhang, Junfeng Chen, Sun, J. T.*. Effect of a low-cost and highly efficient passivator synthesized by alkali-fused fly ash and swine manure on the leachability of heavy metals in a multi-metal contaminated soil. Chemosphere 2021, 279, 130558

44.     Xiaolong Yu, Yuanyuan Yu, Nan Wang, Meng Li, Guining Lu, Xiaolin Li, Xianchun Niu, Sun, J. T.*, Hua Yin. Enhanced tris-(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate degradation through ultraviolet driven peroxymonosulfate process: Kinetics, mechanism, residual toxicity assessment of intermediates products by proteomics. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 786, 147583


孙建腾 主编《土壤污染与环境保护研究》,电子科技大学出版社,2020

谷金锋,孙建腾 主编《环境生态学》,化学工业出版社,2021