2017.11—2022.09,林雪平大学,物理化学生物学院{Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM)},薄膜物理{Thin Film Physics (TUNNF)},材料科学专业,获理学博士学位
2021.11—2022.12,林雪平大学, IFM, Thin Film Physics,研究工程师。
1.Binbin Xin, Biplab Paul, Arnaud Le Febvrier and Per Eklund*, Thin-film“thermocouples of Ni-joined thermoelectric Ca3Co4O9”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2023, 107300. (IF: 4.6; 3区)
2.Binbin Xin,* Erik Ekström, Yueh-Ting Shih, Liping Huang, Jun Lu, Anna Elsukova, Yun Zhang, Wenkai Zhu, Theodorian Borca-Tasciuc, Ganpati Ramanath, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Biplab Paul and Per Eklund*, “Engineering thermoelectric and mechanical properties by nanoporosity in calcium cobaltate films from reactions of Ca(OH)2/Co3O4 multilayers” Nanoscale Advances, 2022.4.3353. (IF: 5.6; 2区)
3.Binbin Xin*, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Jun Lu, Biplab Paul, Per Eklund*, “Synthesis of textured discontinuous-nanoisland Ca3Co4O9 thin films” Nanoscale Advances, 2022.4.3318, (IF: 5.6; 2区)
4.Binbin Xin*, Lei Wang, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Anna Elsukova, Biplab Paul, Niclas Solin, and Per Eklund*, “Mechanically Flexible Thermoelectric Hybrid Thin Films by Introduction of PEDOT:PSS in Nanoporous Ca3Co4O9” ACS Omega 2022.7(10). (IF: 4.1; 3区)
5.Binbin Xin, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Rui Shu, Anna Elsukova, Venkat Venkataramani, Yunfeng Shi, Ganpati Ramanath, Biplab Paul, and Per Eklund*, “Engineering Faceted Nanoporosity by Reactions in Thin-Film Oxide Multilayers in Crystallographically Layered Calcium Cobaltate for Thermoelectrics” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 9, 9904–9911. (IF: 6.1; 2区)
6.Binbin Xin*, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Lei Wang, Niclas Solin, Biplab Paul, Per Eklund*,“Growth and optical properties of CaxCoO2 thin films” Materials & Design 210 (2021): 110033. (IF: 9.4; 1区)
7.Shu Rui*, Daniel Lundin,Binbin Xin, Mauricio A. Sortica, Daniel Primetzhofer, Martin Magnuson, Arnaud le Febvrier, and Per Eklund. “Influence of Metal ubstitution and Ion Energy on Microstructure Evolution of High-Entropy Nitride (TiZrTaMe) N1–x (Me= Hf, Nb, Mo, or Cr) Films. ” ACS Applied Electronic Materials(2021). (IF: 4.9; 2区)
8.Azina, Clio*, Bensu Tunca, Andrejs Petruhins,Binbin Xin, Melike Yildizhan, Per OÅ Persson, Jozef Vleugels, Konstantina Lambrinou, Johanna Rosen, and Per Eklund. "Deposition of MAX phase-containing thin films from a (Ti, Zr)2AlC compound target." Applied Surface Science 551 (2021): 149370. (IF: 7.4; 1区)
9.Wang Lei,Binbin Xin, Anna Elsukova, Per Eklund, and Niclas Solin*. "Mechanochemical Formation of Protein Nanofibril: Graphene Nanoplatelet Hybrids and Their Thermoelectric Properties." ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering 8, no. 47 (2020): 17368-17378. (IF: 9.2; 1区)