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Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology (GDUPT)

2024-07-11  点击:

Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology (GDUPT)

Profile of GDUPT 学校简介

Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology (GDUPT) is a publicly funded undergraduate institution jointly established by the People's Government of Guangdong Province, Sinopec Group, (SINOPEC), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), and China National Offshore Oil Corporation Limited (CNOOC). It is the only university in South China with a specialized focus on petroleum and chemical engineering. GDUPT is designated as a pilot university for the Ministry of Education's "Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program" and has entered the construction of high-level science and engineering universities in Guangdong Province. Additionally, GDUPT was authorized to offer master's degree.


GDUPT is located in Maoming City, Guangdong Province, which is not only a picturesque coastal city but also the largest petrochemical production base and fruit production base in southern China. GDUPT spans an area of 1.3596 million square meters (approximately 2040 hectares) and comprises three campuses: Guandu, Xicheng, and Guanghua.

Established in 1954, the university follows the motto of "Virtue, Knowledge, Truth, and Innovation" and upholds the educational philosophy of being "Born for Oil, Dedicated to Oil". Over the years, GDUPT has nurtured a large number of managerial elites, technical experts, and applied talents throughout the country, working in the petrochemical industry, government services at all levels, research institutions, and the education industry. Their contributions have been instrumental in advancing the petroleum and petrochemical industry, as well as promoting local economic and social development. The university holds a significant position in the cultivation of talent for the petroleum and petrochemical sector.



Talent Cultivation 人才培养

GDUPT enrolls students from 27 provinces (municipalities, regions) across China. It has established collaborative programs with 67 universities since 2005, including Tsinghua University, Taiyuan University of Technology, South China University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, China University of Petroleum, and the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom, to jointly cultivate doctoral and master's level graduate students.

GDUPT boasts 4 national-level first-class courses (Petroleum Refining Engineering, Chemical Engineering Instrumentation and Automation, Petrochemical Technology, and Principles of Chemical Engineering), 27 provincial-level first-class undergraduate courses, 3 national-level engineering practice education centers, 2 province-level collaborative education platforms (Collaborative Education Platform for Applied Talents in Petrochemical Engineering; Collaborative Education Center for Cultivating Outstanding Innovation and Entrepreneurship Abilities), 3 province-level demonstration industry colleges, 10 province-level excellent teaching teams, 9 province-level talent development model innovation experimental zones (demonstration bases), 10 province-level university experimental teaching demonstration centers, 14 province-level off-campus practical teaching bases for college students, 2 provincial-level science and industry-education integration practice teaching bases, 7 provincial-level demonstrative teacher education practice bases.




Teaching Staff师资队伍

GDUPT currently employs a total of 519 faculty members with professor and associate professor titles, and 1181 personnel with doctoral or master's degrees. In recent years, it has independently trained 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Engineering, 1 talent from the national "Millions of Talents Project", 2 recipients of special government allowances from the State Council, and 2 Pearl River Scholars. It possesses a group of high-level talents including "dual-employed academicians," participants in the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Hundred Talents Program," chief experts of the "863 Program," talents from the national "Millions of Talents Project," recipients of special government allowances from the State Council, New Century Excellent Talents by the Ministry of Education, Furong Scholars, Chutian Scholars, Longjiang Scholars, Pearl River Scholars, etc.; 7 provincial-level candidates of the Guangdong Province "Thousands of Hundred of Tens of Talent Project"; 50 critically needed and high-level talents of the Guangdong Province Special Support Talent Plan and Sailing Plan, 3 teaching masters of undergraduate colleges in Guangdong Province, and 6 outstanding young teachers (training plan) of Guangdong Province.



Academic Disciplines学科专业

The university has offered 9 major academic disciplines, including engineering sciences, management, economics, education, literature, law, history, and art. There are a total of 60 majors within our undergraduate programs, among which 45 fall under the science and engineering categories, accounting for 75% of the total. Three disciplines have entered the world's top 1% of ESI global rankings (Essential Science Indicators): Engineering Science, Chemistry, Environment Ecology; 4 disciplines have been selected as World-class Discipline ranking for soft science: Communication Engineering (in 2021 and 2022), Computer Science and Engineering (in 2022 and 2023), Chemical Engineering (in 2023), and Environmental Science and Engineering (in 2023). GDUPT also boasts 3 province-level advantageous key disciplines, namely Chemical Engineering and Technology, Control Science and Engineering, and Environmental Science and Engineering. There are 4 province-level distinctive key disciplines: Control Theory and Control Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Food Science and Engineering. Besides, GDUPT has 3 disciplines with designated positions for "Pearl River Scholars."

GDUPT has three disciplines authorized to confer master's degree: Electronics and Information, Materials and Chemical Engineering, and Resources and Environment.

Moreover, GDUPT offers 3 nationally renowned disciplines: Chemical Engineering and Technology, Environmental Engineering, and Electronic Information Engineering. Additionally, 10 undergraduate programs have received international engineering education program accreditation, including Chemical Engineering and Technology, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Process Equipment and Control Engineering, Electronic Information Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering, Bioengineering; Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation, Polymer Materials and Engineering, and Electrical Engineering and Automation. GDUPT also has 1 nationally recognized distinctive undergraduate program in Chemical Engineering and Technology, and 1 national comprehensive reform pilot program in Electrical Engineering and Automation. Furthermore, GDUPT has 2 undergraduate programs designated as national-level pilot disciplines under the Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program: Chemical Engineering and Technology, and Electrical Engineering and Automation; 14 first-class programs at the provincial level, and 2 distinctive ones in strategic emerging industries: Energy and Power Engineering, and Polymer Materials and Engineering.





Scientific Research 科学研究

GDUPT boasts 1 academician workstation, 2 provincial key laboratories, 1 province-level collaborative innovation and development center, 13 provincial engineering technology research centers, 2 provincial industry technology service platforms, 2 provincial key laboratories in universities, namely the Guangdong University Petrochemical Pollution Control Key Laboratory and the Inferior Oil Processing Key Laboratory, 6 provincial centers for university engineering technology development, 1 provincial university science and technology park, 1 provincial international cooperation and innovation platform involving Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, and 2 provincial historical and cultural research bases. GDUPT has jointly established the International Institute for Industrial Safety Big Data with the University of Lincoln in the UK. It has also co-established three new R&D institutions with enterprises: "GDUPT-Meilian New Materials Research Institute," "GDUPT-Fengneng High-Tech Research Institute," and "GDUPT-Huafeng Research Institute."

In recent years, it has undertaken 2 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, 1 key project (43 million yuan) of the national "14th Five-Year Plan" on intelligent robots, 1 international (regional) cooperation and exchange project of the NSFC, 1 key support project of the joint fund, as well as over 1000 other projects including general and youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, special research projects for ideological and political courses in universities by the National Social Science Fund, humanities and social science projects by the Ministry of Education, and key special projects of the provincial key R&D plan. The school has received over 90 awards including the first prize for scientific and technological progress of Guangdong Province, the first prize for scientific and technological progress and the first prize for technological invention in the petroleum and chemical automation industry in China, and the third prize of the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award. It has obtained more than 1200 patent authorizations.


1个院士工作站,2个省重点实验室,1个省级协同创新发展中心,13个省工程技术研究中心,2个省产业技术服务平台,2个省高校重点实验室(广东高校石油化工污染控制重点实验室、劣质油加工重点实验室),6个省高校工程技术开发中心,1个省级大学科技园、1个省级国际暨港澳台合作创新平台,2个省级历史文化研究基地。与英国林肯大学共建国际工业安全大数据研究院。与企业共建“广油——美联新材料研究院” “广油——丰能高新技术研究院” “广油——华丰研究院”等3个新型研发机构。


University-industry-research Collaboration产学研合作

GDUPT has established close relationships for industry-academy-research collaboration with major and super-large enterprises such as Sinopec Maoming Branch, Sinopec Guangzhou Branch, Zhongke (Guangdong) Refinery & Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Sinopec Zhanjiang Dongxing Petrochemical Company, China Petroleum & Chemical Sales Co., Ltd. South China Branch, Shengu Group Co., Ltd.,, and ZTE Corporation, etc.



Foreign Cooperation

GDUPT has established exchanges and cooperation with nearly 50 universities or government agencies in the United States, Britain, Australia, Ukraine, Malaysia, Poland, Nigeria, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, covering academic exchanges, teacher-student visits and scientific research cooperation.

In 2013, GDUPT obtained the qualification to recruit foreign students, and GDUPT is open for language trainees, undergraduate degree students and master degree students from all over the world. Undergraduate majors include petroleum engineering, chemical engineering and technology (petrochemical direction), international economy and trade, Chinese language and literature, etc. Master majors include electronic information, materials and chemical engineering, resources and environment, etc.



Development Prospects

Seizing the opportunities presented by the rapid development of both national higher education and the petrochemical industry, and leveraging the crucial platform of collaboration between Guangdong Provincial Government and the three major central enterprises in the petroleum and petrochemical industry, GDUPT is vigorously carrying out four key strategies: innovation-driven development, coordinated development, intrinsic development, and distinctive development. It is committed to charting a unique path for development, with the ultimate goal of constructing a high-level science and engineering university that stands out prominently with a clear focus on the petrochemical field.



Office of International Exchange and Cooperation (OIEC)

Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology (GDUPT)

Address: Room 416, 4th Floor of the Administrative Building

139# Guandu Erlu, Maonan District, Maoming City, Guangdong Province, China

Email: intl.study@gdupt.edu.cn

For more information about GDUPT, scan the QR code below or download the attached Digital Brochure.
